Chat Hour
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Becoming a moderator of Main Chat (Censored) room?
Would you like to have the power to kick out disruptive members in our chat room? Chat Hour wants to make our Main Chat (Censored) room a better place for our chatters by allowing this chat room to be moderateed by our regular chatters. If you want to become our moderator, here are the qualifications:

• You are a regular chatter on Chat Hour.
• You have been a Chat Hour (WeirdTown Chat) member for at least one year.
• You have good records in our chat rooms. You have never been kicked out by other chatters.
• You do not discriminate against people of different races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, or languages.
• You are open-minded and able to give other people a second chance.

Because some of our new moderators abused their power, we'll accept your application only if one of our current moderators sends us a message to vouch for you.

If this sounds like you, please send us a message and tell us a little about yourself. Our e-mail address is listed at the top of our contact page. Don't forget to put "moderator" in your e-mail subject line. We'll notify you if we think you're qualified.

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