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    roxie82 : for
    roxie82 : i need a smile to
    roxie82 : lol i think im talking to myself
    roxie82 : anyone on here
    roxie82 : hi : hello : I have been married to a guy whom I dated for almost 12 years : someone in this room?? : Roxie?
    maribella518 : hi
    maribella518 : c'mon everyone's here for the same reason.... my reason is my husband ignores me
    maribella518 : doesn't have an interest in the things I do...
    maribella518 : complete silence when he gets home from work
    maribella518 : just wants me to serve him dinner and that's it then I see him when I go to bed
    maribella518 : then it repeats the next day all over again. : hi : sorry maribella : hello : anyone here : i suffer from mild depreddion and i take it out on my husband
    queenbee2001 : four kids
    queenbee2001 : my marriage is on the brink of ending
    queenbee2001 : I am lost and confused
    queenbee2001 : married 13 years and togehter 14, 4 kids and 2 in the process of being adopted.... but so
    queenbee2001 : much is wrong with us.... I can't even remember the last time he said I love you or kissed me
    queenbee2001 : any advive
    queenbee2001 : advice
    queenbee2001 : i feel like i am drowning : My husband just told me last week he doesn't love me anymore. I'm doing everything I know : to make things better... and it isnt working
    ebolin00 : hi there
    psymong : any one here?
    psymong : hi
    jenonmyown : hello?
    disappointed234 has just logged in
    disappointed234 : Hi : hello
    Dee1970 has just logged in : hey : hello
    utpaldave has just logged in
    sweetkss has just logged in
    sweetkss has just logged in
    sweetkss has just logged in : Hi everyone : hello? : hello : hello : hi