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    dragon2029 : hey whats up : hello?
    javaaaaaaaaa has just logged out
    Aastha453 has just logged in
    Aastha453 : hi anyone, really need urgent help in java programming .
    Aastha453 : elow
    Aastha453 : anyone here? : hi
    harihara95 : hi
    harihara95 : hi collegekid24
    harihara95 : anyone here ??
    harihara95 : ???
    harihara95 has just logged in
    harihara95 has just logged in : hi
    SOFTREAL : hello any java developer who had already work with facial recognation before : hey : any java developers available ££££££
    jatin6 : hi
    diocane : hi
    diocane : Can anyone explain me how can i add localhost to the exception list under the java control panel?
    diocane : i want to test my applet : Ford Motor Company is accused of stealing Versta's Automotive Configuration Management (ACM) software. Versata is currently investigating this matter and is seeking information from individuals
    Fordinfo1 : (ACM) software.
    Fordinfo1 : Versata is currently investigating this matter and is seeking information from individuals that formerly worked
    Fordinfo1 : at Ford Motor Company on either the ACM program or on the replacement
    Fordinfo1 : program called Product Definition Offering (PDO).
    Fordinfo1 : If you previously worked on either one of these programs we would like to hear from you
    Fordinfo1 : on a confidential basis at
    Fordinfo1 : We very much appreciate your response and are eager to hear from you.
    Fordinfo1 has just logged in
    seenu468 has just logged in
    seenu468 : hi all : Hi : how to learn java junior? Thank you for help! : hey
    CutieCkuripotz has just logged in : hey : hi
    sunilalgos : Hi : hi : need help in javafx : hi developers
    jaimymaster : oi
    jaimymaster : anyone here? : hi : anone is here : ?? : y