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    cutiekittenns : aww :(
    fearal : *crosses arms*
    fearal : the bastard screwed up my gang
    fearal : in the end i won
    fearal : his mate found out, and broke up with him
    fearal : now hes left me alone for now
    cutiekittenns : awww <//3
    fearal : so...who likes catnip?
    fearal : and why are you naked cutie?
    cutiekittenns : hmm not really, not a cat :P but ive never tried
    AcidVision : Why arn't you naked? OwO
    cutiekittenns : EXACTLY OwO
    fearal : 8rips off cloths*
    fearal : there...
    fearal : im naked...
    AcidVision : Yaay
    fearal : anyway.....who wants to be in my gang?
    cutiekittenns : depends on what the gang is about
    AcidVision : Gangs are bad ]:
    fearal : catnip shipping and gaurding
    fearal : shosen was in my gang...
    AcidVision : I'll just be me o-o
    fearal : lurk got him to leave
    cutiekittenns : ughh that sucks dick :(
    fearal : i need two more badasses to be my right hand..women*smirks*
    AcidVision : I'm left handed D:
    cutiekittenns : :D
    fearal : come on,...
    fearal : *gives catnip to cutie, smoke it, sniff
    fearal : acid, you can be my left hand woman
    AcidVision : Catnip + Shark = o-o
    fearal : shark, meat
    PermaFrostt : greetings
    fearal : 8throws a beef steak at acid
    cutiekittenns : :) catnip
    fearal : perma, lurk nearly killed our gang...
    fearal : were rebuilding'
    AcidVision : -Rolls around on the floor, hugging the steak-
    fearal : he got alot of people to leave
    fearal : so, accept my friend request if your in
    cutiekittenns : i dont understand, fearal you seem so nice and just plain fun
    fearal : i am, the reason im doing this is to make money for my family
    fearal : three kids and a wife
    fearal : pu tthis in your note if your in <BlackPaw 4 life>
    fearal : so you will never be swayed by outsiders, to quit
    AcidVision : -Pouts- I have no paws ]:
    fearal : gtg guys
    fearal has just logged out
    AcidVision : So much for that o-o