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    LuvUrLoliPOP : (unless what??)
    chinchilla99 : nvm)
    chinchilla99 : why do you get on so late?)
    LuvUrLoliPOP : ( you want to just continue next time you can have a full battery?)
    LuvUrLoliPOP : (I have school -3- and homework -3- and friend drama, is that good enough??)
    chinchilla99 : (ha its fine i as just asking)
    LuvUrLoliPOP : (We'll just continue, i'd be boring if your computer died and we were right in the middle of battle..)
    chinchilla99 : lets just talk
    LuvUrLoliPOP : kay, so, tell me a bit about yourself?
    chinchilla99 : i like to read and write alittle and idk much more although i love to sleep
    chinchilla99 : and will you be on in an hour or two?
    LuvUrLoliPOP : I don't think so, I go to bed at 10. :(
    chinchilla99 : oh dang what time is it there?
    LuvUrLoliPOP : 8:34
    chinchilla99 : hmm well i could get on my box internet and get on here
    LuvUrLoliPOP : idk *shrugs* whatever you're okay with
    chinchilla99 : ty
    LuvUrLoliPOP : np
    chinchilla99 : tyreaus
    LuvUrLoliPOP : what?
    LuvUrLoliPOP : How did he find us!?!?
    chinchilla99 : hes in here
    LuvUrLoliPOP : *hides in a bush*
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "Ty's a stalker!" DX
    Tyreaus : "Yes I am."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : she sighed softly as she moved out from the bush and next to Ty "this is my teacher, Hin..."
    Tyreaus : He slid his right arm across his waist and bowed.
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "I think Hin went to get his charger, or something..." sighs softly
    Tyreaus : He nodded and straightened up, folding his arms behind his back.
    LuvUrLoliPOP : she sighed deeper as she crossed her arms over her chest "....."
    Tyreaus : "Bored?"
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "A bit, I think the fight is interesting, but eh, i'm bored overall in life."
    Tyreaus : He tilted his head a bit. "Ah."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "I have a question Ty, for skype, why do the calls suddenly stop?"
    Tyreaus : He blinked. "What do you mean?"
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "Like, I called a friend of mine and like, 30 seconds or something into the call it would stop."
    Tyreaus : "Did she maybe hang up? Or you hung up?"
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "Nope, none of us hanged up. He says it was cause of his internet but I dont know.."
    Tyreaus : "Possibly, but it should have automatically restarted after."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "No, the call just ended. Like I called his phone. He says is was probably his internet connection."
    Tyreaus : "If you called his phone you don't get unlimited credits for that, it's only free for skype to skype calls."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "oh..wait, do I have to pay?? D:)
    Tyreaus : "If you call phones yeah."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : .....will it send me a bill?..
    Tyreaus : "No you have to buy the credits."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "but..the call worked for like 5 minutes i think or soemthing...nevermind -3-"
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "Thanks for trying to help anyways." :p
    Tyreaus : "Yeah I think you get one free call but...I dunno."
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "Uh...nvm." :p "To the regular chat! It seems Hin logged off!"
    LuvUrLoliPOP : "And by regular chat, I mean to Dias!"