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    xXEnigmaXx : sion of your arm
    Elfprince1 : he panted as he smiles.(gah gotta go bathroom)
    xXEnigmaXx : lol alrighty ))
    Elfprince1 : He glances at his father"I can countinue if you want,i don't want to hurt you."
    xXEnigmaXx : It's alright Son, you have proven your bond with the blade is strong..
    Elfprince1 : He then sheathed the blade as he grins"Thank you father,"
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He looked at his son, and wiped the blood off his face.;
    Elfprince1 : He noticed the blood"I'm sorry dad"He watches him whipe the blood from his face.
    xXEnigmaXx : No...It's an achievment ^^
    Elfprince1 : He smiles as he watches him as he walked proudly like he always has as he was elven.
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He smiled, and nodded.; You should be proud..^^ your my pride and joy
    Elfprince1 : He smiles as he goes to his father and hugs him"Thank you,I am proud."
    Elfprince1 : (ultima is tourturing topdog with yaio poor guy)
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He hugged his son tight.; Your worthy to wield that blade son! ( Lol poor guy indeed )
    Elfprince1 : He squeaked some as he holds him as he is happy,this is indeed an accomplishment to him.
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He smiled, and handed him a book.; Keep this, this will be your Log..
    Elfprince1 : He took the book"My log for what dad?"He was uncertain and abit counfused.
    xXEnigmaXx : Just to write what you see, A log of many things really
    Elfprince1 : "Ah ok"He giggled as he hugs and nuzzles his father "I'll appreaciate it,thank you for your support."He glances
    Elfprince1 : at him"I like wolves."
    xXEnigmaXx : ^^ Well son, my messages may sometimes be cryptic, but shall provide great wisdom.
    Elfprince1 : He listens as his belly growls as he blushes trying to hide that he was hungry.
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He smiled, and lead him to a small wooden cabin near a waterfront.;
    Elfprince1 : He followes his father as his slender hips swayed as he walked as he walked kinda like a pampered elf-lord w
    Elfprince1 : would as he carried his weeapon and his book"Is this your place?"
    xXEnigmaXx : Yes..;He shrugged.; It's small, but very cozy ^^
    Elfprince1 : He smiles as he walks over to him and sits on the couch and closes his eyes some as he gazes up at him."It
    Elfprince1 : is quite cozy.i like it here"
    xXEnigmaXx : Thanks son ^^ I appreciate it
    Elfprince1 : He grins as he felt his belly growl the second time and blushes.
    Elfprince1 : "Do you got anything to eat dad?"
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He then started dinner.; what do you want to eat..?
    Elfprince1 : "Hmmm some venison burgers would be good and chips."
    Elfprince1 : (will you be on tonight?)
    xXEnigmaXx : No, I'll be gone, I am only online durin g weekends..))
    Elfprince1 : ok i'll try to stay on till 4:35)
    xXEnigmaXx : Alright ))
    xXEnigmaXx : Venison..? Alright
    Elfprince1 : He then nodded"Yes please"He started to preen his wings.
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He began cooking the venison.;
    Elfprince1 : He sniffs the air as it smells delisious as he countinued to take the feather shaft off of his new feathers.
    xXEnigmaXx : ;He then began cooking some potato's;
    Elfprince1 : He gets up and noticed a person sized vase and jumps into it as he was upside down and made a cute sound
    Elfprince1 : he poped his head out as he found a strange marble in the vase"Weired"
    xXEnigmaXx : O.o that marble..
    Elfprince1 : He then carefully climbs out of the vase"It's fasinating really"
    xXEnigmaXx : I've haven't seen that marble in years
    xXEnigmaXx : i gtg ))
    Elfprince1 : (ok ni ni see you this weekend)