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    YvonneCat : hiya all .... have fun =)
    YvonneCat : hi..... when you join the room please let me know.....ty. chat away .....have fun!
    YvonneCat : hi
    YvonneCat : la la la... someone join the room.... lol =)
    YvonneCat : hi
    YvonneCat : I hope someone gets good use out of this and makes friends from it...... i am signing out now but.....
    YvonneCat : please enjoy chating like the 'old school days'
    YvonneCat : May the perves say away and the nerm's come in and hang out a while.Be Blessed & be 'Norm's'
    YvonneCat : Normal's =-) lol ...ok....take care all! Bye
    YvonneCat : =~ )
    YvonneCat : ;- )
    YvonneCat : =- O
    YvonneCat : lol see ya! =-)
    YvonneCat : (sorry for the typos ) lol, i am sleepy.....
    YvonneCat : Old School Chat Room aka non-sexual
    YvonneCat : This room is for....... what ever...... have fun! Feel free to chat about anything that comes to mind
    YvonneCat : .... as long as it's Not that annoying smut !!!
    YvonneCat : Just like the Old School Days when only the perverts ever talked like that in a chat or I.M. Please try to keep it that way here also.
    YvonneCat :  Please try to keep it that way here also.
    YvonneCat :  ( Like minded people about it staying that way only please. Thank you. )
    YvonneCat :  Enjoy!!!! =~ )
    YvonneCat : No Perves!!! >=- (\
    YvonneCat : Have fun friending others guys....bye for now! =-) 'hugs'
    YvonneCat has just logged out