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    XxVaultBoyxX : hey
    XxVaultBoyxX : so cold
    breez0 : hi
    XxVaultBoyxX : :)
    breez0 : I came xD
    XxVaultBoyxX : *heart starts to beat again*
    breez0 : Why'd it stop? :o
    XxVaultBoyxX : because this world is so cold, tears me down and starts to eat me alive
    breez0 : True. Very true.
    XxVaultBoyxX : been affected by so many, I look at myself and wonder who am I
    breez0 : I do too..
    XxVaultBoyxX : Fighting with my fists, confuses me, hate myself, been brought into corruption,
    breez0 : Where do you get this from? :o
    breez0 : its cool ^-^
    XxVaultBoyxX : from inside me, from the cold dark inside of me,
    breez0 : Well, whatever it is, Its really cool.
    XxVaultBoyxX : violence is my awnser, justice must be brought to those who conducted evil
    breez0 : It sounds like it could be a song or something .. O3O
    XxVaultBoyxX : I always wanted to be a emo poet or a heavy metal singer
    XxVaultBoyxX : Just can't find band members to join
    breez0 : I understand... you're really good though... c:
    XxVaultBoyxX : thanks :)
    breez0 : No need to thank me, just saying the truth.. xD
    XxVaultBoyxX : this my faifth
    XxVaultBoyxX : I see stars fall, and rise
    breez0 : :o
    XxVaultBoyxX : *My time will come one day*
    breez0 : ^-^
    XxVaultBoyxX : yours will too
    breez0 : How?
    breez0 : I don't do anything :P
    breez0 : Its quiet :c