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    scooter108 : jack has added 13 pages to my drunk driveing recored please copy it send to admem aka suxthis
    scooter108 : jackspar akasuxthis added 13 pages to my drunkdriving recored please copye send to admen thank y
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis added 13 pages to my drunk driving recored plaese copye seend to admen ty
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis added 13 pages to my drunk driving recored plaese copye seen to admen ty
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis has stalked harassed made 10 pages of sick crap up on me he is a ped ophile
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis has stalked harassed made 10 pages of sick crap up on me he is a ped ophile
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis pedophile mod banneds truth
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis pedophile mod banneds truth
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis hacker stalker pedophile get mod in censored to banned the truth
    scooter108 has just logged in
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis has stalked harrased made 10pages of sick crap on me he is a peadophile
    scooter108 has just logged in
    scooter108 : jackspar aka suxthis has stalked harrased made 10pages of sick crap on me he is a peadophile
    scooter108 has just logged in
    scooter108 : 1Badapple steels men pictures to make new nick and pedo teen kids
    scooter108 : 1Badapple steels men pictures makes new nick to pm teen kids
    scooter211 has just logged in