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    Necro18 : -goes silent kissing back-
    NamelessDemon : *She sucked on your tongue and let go* You done?
    Necro18 : i bealieve so
    Necro18 : just be happy i wasnt in my intelegent jackass mode
    NamelessDemon : *She licked your lip* Come on. lets go to the main furry chat xD
    Necro18 : alright my dear
    NamelessDemon : we can make out der xD
    BigDaddyPenguin1981 : Hello?
    xXDrovaXx : time to nest
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : .
    xXDrovaXx : ..
    xXDrovaXx : Nest complet.
    NamelessDemon : ?
    xXDrovaXx : Heyo
    xXDrovaXx : What happened?
    xXDrovaXx : I tried messaging you on skype for like, three months..
    xXDrovaXx : I missed you..
    NamelessDemon : I deleted the app. To be honest. I wasnt happy in the relationship I was in with you and I don't like confrontation.. And I knew you woukd react badly, so I left
    xXDrovaXx : *He plopped down and sighed gently* I understand.
    NamelessDemon : _Plopped down next to him_ I want to stay friends. ^^
    xXDrovaXx : *He smiled gently and nodded as he sat there*
    xXDrovaXx : But yea, I messaged you forever
    NamelessDemon : I'm sorry.
    xXDrovaXx : Dont be *He smiled gently and rubbed her back*
    NamelessDemon : Plus I've been busy with alot of things
    xXDrovaXx : Understandible
    NamelessDemon : _Laid her headon her knees_
    xXDrovaXx : *He smiled warmly at her
    xXDrovaXx : *He gently then frowned and pulled her to his chest holding her
    NamelessDemon : _She blinked_ I want to go back to the chatroom.
    xXDrovaXx : Okay.
    xXDrovaXx : *he let go of her and poofed.
    NamelessDemon has just logged out