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    JoeBryant1337 : Hello, I created this just so you can have help hacking Minecraft, No HACK TOOLS, just script in
    JoeBryant1337 : note pad, because that is how us hacker should do it.
    JoeBryant1337 : Dont Threaten Anyone. Don't abuse this.
    JoeBryant1337 : I want 0r1g1nal17y, Not gunk. Unban scripts, Auto-Op scripts, and hack clients are allowed
    JoeBryant1337 : Like, send a link to your hack in paste bin, and even mention software needed.
    JoeBryant1337 : And for Hacking accounts, Dont do some dumb google thing that requires you to enter MC IGN
    JoeBryant1337 : and also the password, And dont spam this place with it
    JoeBryant1337 : OK, know what? I decided to look up some videos on how to get into another player's account,
    JoeBryant1337 : and I encountered an interesting video, obviusly a scam for your mc account. Link: