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    BladedDemon : and the truck, the seals all exploding and sending out an explosion that would launch the truck
    BladedDemon : out of the parking garage and send it flying into a building down the way. he stood there and
    BladedDemon : sighed begining to pant a bit. "Come our pussy care or I will just level the area!" -E
    Descrit : -He heared the pants, noting that this must be taking a lot out of him. He used every ouce of
    Descrit : strength he could to dig his claws in further and yank as hard as he could at the level, tearing down the
    Descrit : floor of the lot and sending everything spiraling down towards the lower level, cars crushing each other,
    Descrit : nd hopefully, Bladed along with them.~E
    BladedDemon : "This again!" He formed a handseal with his free hand and his three beasts all leapt in close to
    BladedDemon : him a blue chakra filling the air as his susanoo once again formed around him, first bone then
    BladedDemon : flesh skin and armor, once again crawling from the ruble Bladed and his beasts on its platform.
    BladedDemon : "Enough, Time for you to die!" He looked around for his opponent his Susanoo closing
    BladedDemon : two of its four hands into fists and chakra blades appeared in its hands, the beast standing at a
    BladedDemon : good 40 feet tall its blades each a good 20 feet long -E
    Descrit : ((Bbl))
    BladedDemon : (Okay)
    Descrit : The male looked around and thought. "If only I knew boil release.." He growled, ducking out of sight,
    Descrit : beneath a sturdy pile of rubble, as he debated on his next move. He could try waiting it out, but he
    Descrit : doubted that would work. He could also try to wear the Susanoo down, and then attack at the weaker
    Descrit : points. He knew he would be able to move faster than the gigantic chakra creation, but he doubted even
    Descrit : HIS strength would be able to break through that tough defense...
    Descrit : ~E
    BladedDemon : "Kill" The varois masks inside the susanoo with him leap out and begin to fly around hunting for
    BladedDemon : the males location. -E
    Descrit : As he was under the rubble, buried securely, he cursed in his head, hoping they wouldn't spot him. He
    Descrit : knew that from a birds eye view position, it would be hard to see him laying low under tons of rubble, but
    Descrit : he knew, anything could happen ~E
    BladedDemon : He tapped his foot impatiently. "Burn!" The wind mask launched out a strong burst of land that
    BladedDemon : durg against the ground and the wind mask fired a burst of fire into the wind to cause a massive
    BladedDemon : blast of fire that spread across the ground heating the rubble -E
    Descrit : -When it started to get to hot, he growled lifting the largest peice of rubble and swinging it round and
    Descrit : round, to gain momentum, before letting it fligh like a high speed giant frisbee at the Wind Mask.~E
    BladedDemon : The masked beast got smacked and dropped to the earth, but Bladed had a position on his
    BladedDemon : enemy now, the fire mask halting its attack Bladeds Susanoo lifted its swords and slammed them
    BladedDemon : both down in an X formation over the males position, Bladed forming 3 handseals and leaning
    BladedDemon : back then leaning forward sending out a massive and constant blue flame from within the
    BladedDemon : susanoo on the same spot, a wall of fire formming. -E
    Descrit : The feline, kicked his speed up to 120, quickly backpeddaling out of the way of the blades but he was
    Descrit : burned for a couple seconds by the fire, the heat singing his fur and burning him pretty badly on his left
    Descrit : arm, before he ripped into the ground, lifting a large hunk of sidewalk and surrounding himself with it.
    Descrit : ~E
    BladedDemon : He sprinted inside his Susano the beast sliding across the ground with him only to tackle the
    BladedDemon : sidwalk and obliterate it with its massive size -E
    Descrit : Descrit tried to get out of the way, but only succeeded to a point. His left leg was crushed, and he gave a
    Descrit : yell of pain that echoed through the abandoned city. He knew, that he was already on the ropes to begin
    Descrit : with, but now, he stood no chance. "I...I give.. You win! Fuck!" He called in pain, feeling his leg broken
    Descrit : in at LEAST three places. ~E
    BladedDemon : He stepped out from his susanoo and leaned down patting the males head the susanoo
    BladedDemon : vanishing into a fine mist the three masks suddenly slamming down into Bladeds back and infusin
    BladedDemon : infusing with him again his body stitching itself closed. "You owe me a new heart."
    BladedDemon : -E