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    Crowofthedarkness : okay
    Crowofthedarkness : ~souls the central core of every being in the world. It makes up their personality,
    Crowofthedarkness : likes and dislikes and even their spiritual power. However in most the soul on realses power
    Crowofthedarkness : In death. Unless you are of a special breed of those who lurk in darkness.
    Crowofthedarkness : Those called monsters , demons, spirits all alike have powerful souls that can grow
    Crowofthedarkness : and becomes even more powerful by consuming other souls.
    Crowofthedarkness : The harvest place takes its tole in the ring of monster souls. In pergatory.
    Crowofthedarkness : Lets see what hell will bring to the land of monster souls of constant combat .-
    Crowofthedarkness : ~from the grey skys of pergatory a black portal opened with a deep red aura around it as clouds
    Crowofthedarkness : Swirls around it as it suddenly vanished but the aura of the world feels different-
    Crowofthedarkness has just logged in
    Dakninja8 : hello?
    Dakninja8 : guess i was to late.. huh...
    Dakninja8 : *whimpers looking down*
    ArticaBeck : My Profile -> Upload an Image -> click the make this image private thing after selecting your file
    ArticaBeck : then upload
    ArticaBeck has just logged out
    Dakninja8 : hello?
    Scarthewolf has just logged in
    ArticaBeck : Hey
    Scarthewolf : hello
    ArticaBeck : I am about to fuckin snap
    ArticaBeck : Corey is yelling at me about mrsa
    Scarthewolf : why
    ArticaBeck : and how I need an ace bandage
    ArticaBeck : and if I dont go get one hell
    ArticaBeck : (inser rnadomincoherent threat here)
    Scarthewolf : if i was wearing mine on my ribs i would let you use it but im not sorry is there anything i can do to
    Scarthewolf : helo
    Scarthewolf : help
    ArticaBeck : nr
    ArticaBeck : I lost mine
    ArticaBeck : it isnt a huge deal
    ArticaBeck : I have a huge as band-aid on it
    ArticaBeck : ass
    Scarthewolf : that will hold for a little bit but not all day
    ArticaBeck : ...true
    ArticaBeck : but dont let dumpass know that
    Scarthewolf : i won't i guess
    Crowofthedarkness : sighs - seems things arnt how they use to be here
    ArticaBeck : nope
    Crowofthedarkness : sighs-
    Scarthewolf has just logged in
    Scarthewolf : was up people
    ArticaBeck : i
    ArticaBeck : am
    ArticaBeck : dead
    ArticaBeck : *flops over*
    Dakninja8 has just logged in