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    MikiHatesU : ??
    MikiHatesU : why are people asking me for their memories omg
    HarutoKun : xDDDD
    HarutoKun : i'm trying to remember...
    HarutoKun : i reamember A tayku..
    HarutoKun : but i don't think that was the tayku
    HarutoKun : i remember there being two tayku...
    MikiHatesU : Really?
    Vampchic16 : it was a different Taylor
    MikiHatesU : He's the only one I know.
    MikiHatesU : There was Tayku and a different Taylor, yeah.
    MikiHatesU : I remember that guy.
    Vampchic16 : forgot his name though
    HarutoKun : yeah there was another tayku
    HarutoKun : i think i have his skype
    bloodyheart : OCCIFUR GAYLUR?
    MikiHatesU : I still have him on Facebook
    HarutoKun : so maybe...i didn't know this tayke xD
    HarutoKun : taykublurr
    bloodyheart : my key. text me sometime. i am leaving
    HarutoKun : or i probably did but never talked to him
    bloodyheart : also i will be sodomizing haru next time i see him
    bloodyheart : with a large furry animal
    Vampchic16 : bai guise
    HarutoKun : bye vampy
    MikiHatesU : okk
    Vampchic16 : -left wit Scoot-
    bloodyheart : -explodes, covering the entire room in blood and internals-
    MikiHatesU : I'll be off as well. I'm super sore. And tired.
    bloodyheart has just logged out
    MikiHatesU : Perhaps I'll come to this chat tomorrow... Maybe.
    MikiHatesU : :-)
    HarutoKun : alright miki, i'll see you around...yeah same here!
    HarutoKun : you have our numbers
    HarutoKun : just hit us up
    MikiHatesU : ♡ Gnight, Haru.
    MikiHatesU has just logged out
    HarutoKun : goodnight miki!
    Vampchic16 : teehees
    Vampchic16 has just logged out
    WesleyArks : Fags
    MikiHatesU has just logged in
    MikiHatesU : ??
    MikiHatesU : You're a fag. >:(
    MikiHatesU has just logged out
    WesleyArks : k
    bloodyheart : wurds
    WesleyArks : Faggiet De la Crock
    MikiHatesU has just logged in
    Defiant1 : is ded gain D: