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    Zetch : anyONE
    mynameiseric : i am here
    mynameiseric : 얼마나 내가 가치가?
    mynameiseric : 당신은 좋은 친구를 얻었다입니다. 미안 해요 bi 성적
    mynameiseric : hi
    mynameiseric : this is different than the other toom i was in yesterday
    mynameiseric : there was 5 girls there
    Zetch : what about those girls btw?
    mynameiseric : they were in the room... it was on
    mynameiseric : that place looks like chathour but you can talk in it and be on cam for everyone to see
    Zetch : i dont visit that chatroom .im not interested actually!
    mynameiseric : i understand. Cathy put it together.. and invited the girls
    mynameiseric : I am not a very agressive boy.
    mynameiseric : are you here??
    Zetch : ok have fun. im out!
    mynameiseric : did my korean made any sense? haha
    mynameiseric : 내 한국 말을 했다 나요? 하 하
    Nomadenomade : hi
    daysandnights : Hey