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    Adaline101 : Moans softly, biting my lip
    fallendragon : takes my shirt off
    Adaline101 : Pulls mine off
    fallendragon : rubs my hand along ur spine
    Adaline101 : My back arches at your touch
    fallendragon : takes ur bra off
    Adaline101 : Bites my lip, pressing my body against yours
    fallendragon : takes ur pants off kissing ur neck
    Adaline101 : Moans softly, taking yours off
    fallendragon : bites ur lip's
    Adaline101 : Moans, sliding my hands over your chest and back
    fallendragon : takes ur panties off throwing u onthe bed spreading ur legs
    Adaline101 : Bites my lip hard, looking up at you and smirking
    fallendragon : kisses u sliding in slow but deep
    Adaline101 : Moans, kissing you back
    fallendragon : slides back and forth slow but deep
    Adaline101 : Moans and wraps my legs around your waist, my back arching slightly
    fallendragon : start to thrust harder grabing ur breast kissing u
    Adaline101 : Moans louder, kissing you back
    fallendragon : starts to thrust and starts to make out with u
    Adaline101 : Bites my lip, holding in a loud moan as my body arches against yours
    fallendragon : cum's and slide's out laying beside u
    Adaline101 : Leans on one of my arms, looking down at you and smiles
    fallendragon : want to go again if so ur top
    Adaline101 : Laughs softly, straddling you
    fallendragon : what's so funny?
    Adaline101 : Kisses you. Nothing
    fallendragon : kisses back
    Adaline101 : Bites your bottom lip gently
    fallendragon : moan's
    Adaline101 : I break the kiss, smilling
    fallendragon : rubs my fingure along ur side
    Adaline101 : Bites my lip, leaning down the kiss your neck
    fallendragon : my dick flinchs against u
    Adaline101 : Bites your neck gently
    fallendragon : moan's" tease much
    Adaline101 : Smirks. Yep
    fallendragon : wow
    Adaline101 : What?
    fallendragon : no i gotta go to the hospital now too
    Adaline101 : Why?
    fallendragon : may or may not have dropped a cooking knife on my foot and may or may not have went thru m
    fallendragon : my foot
    Adaline101 : Wft
    fallendragon : idk i was cooking then got light headed and ya
    Adaline101 : You may or may not need to go to the emergency room
    fallendragon : i do so ima drive after i wrap it up
    fallendragon : gtg k talk to u after i get out k
    Adaline101 : I kiss you. Ok. I hope it's not too serious