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    The5thAnon : on average congress works 4 days a week, 3 weeks a month
    The5thAnon : how are they even allowed to pull that crap
    The5thAnon : in the recent budget bill campaign donors can now donate ten times more
    The5thAnon : good news for the koch brothers who only care for protecting their billions
    The5thAnon : but not the American people
    The5thAnon : the occupy wallstreet movement has taken a giant step back
    The5thAnon : under this new budget bill another thing was added
    The5thAnon : i give my money to the bank
    The5thAnon : the bank looses my money by investing it in risky situations
    The5thAnon : then the government bails the banks out
    The5thAnon : but wait where does the government get their money
    The5thAnon : oh thats right! the tax payers!
    The5thAnon : so i just payed my bank twice!
    The5thAnon : everyone blames obama for taking action on so many things
    The5thAnon : well congress doesnt do anything so someone has too
    The5thAnon : I was taught about the famous do nothing congress when i was in school
    The5thAnon : our congress passed less legislation than they did
    The5thAnon : And the police
    The5thAnon : I myself am pro police and at the same time anti police brutality
    The5thAnon : you can be both
    The5thAnon : the problem lies in their training
    The5thAnon : they are taught to look at us as the enemy
    The5thAnon : yet they are public servants
    The5thAnon : my money pays your salary
    The5thAnon : one last thing
    The5thAnon : F fox news
    The5thAnon : its nothing but propaganda
    The5thAnon : goodbye and have a nice night
    The5thAnon : i guess ill never know if this is really an Anon chatroom
    The5thAnon : PEACE AND LOVE!
    The5thAnon : we are anonymous
    The5thAnon : we are legion
    The5thAnon : we do not forget
    The5thAnon : we do not forgive
    The5thAnon : expect us
    The5thAnon : ;)
    The5thAnon has just logged out : Anonymous : hmm : lol
    VicSage : religion is a tool
    VicSage : of destruction and mind control
    VicSage : jesus was a meta human
    VicSage : endowed with the powers of our creators
    VicSage : bible is only thousands of year old
    VicSage : dinosaurs are millions
    VicSage : and the earth billions
    VicSage : why the long gap
    VicSage : god is not what u think it is