● keyssss :
● guest24.78.213.xxx :
I had a friend ask for people to suggest to her something "funny to watch"
● guest24.78.213.xxx :
But My suggestion was the offencive one, can someone explain that please?
● Maliki305 :
The 1st day of creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light, was the 25th of Elul.
● Maliki305 :
The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem -- which had been in ruins since the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians
● Wheeler13 :
here to discuss misplaced views of history in regards to the sons of abraham
● Brooklyn427 :
Hi, I was wondering if anybody would mind talking with me about Messianic Judaism :) I realize that that is not the same thing, but I figured I'd see who was on