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Log In : tune in to find out these, along with other miracles of the mind : im going to use this like a tweet. I'm going to go take a shit and roll a big joint while I do it :  won't be long : shit was fantastic, and the bm i just passed went as expected. It looked like alan greenspan : lol, lol, and finally lol : ps, will write dialogue for sitcoms for food and shelter. : tweeting again: I am really stoned right now. Like totally. You have no idea.... : like melting butter but instead kinda with your brain. And a frying pan. : Like in the comercials in the regan days : with the egg : this is your brain... : lol : total bullshit : i mean yeah - i'm high as fuck right now... But the comercials were total and complete shit : not a bit of truth if you look into it. : shit if you want to check out something interesting: The la'guardia commision. : done by former mayor of NYC and the one they named the airport after : ironic having drug sniffing dogs at la'guardia then right? : I mean the guy was all about decriminalization : but i digress because I am talking to myself. : contact me at Igotzkottenmouth@aim Yes thats my real email : follow me at That's totall bullshit and a joke : learn how to distinguish between the two and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. : unfortunately that light is attached to a tank or helicopter or police cruiser : this has been me talking to myself or you (depending on your perspective) : don't want anyone to think the thing was broken and showed the wrond i.p.
    jock420 : hey : hi : Hello to everyone. : Anyone in downtown Buffalo looking to play?
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    pinkfloydfan123 : Hi
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    Hola278 : Hey
    Hola278 : If anyone has kik, my user is ILovetheGrass ;)
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    Adam6252020 : Hii
    aresspier : hi
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    aresspier has just logged in : hi all :
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