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    Kristinatina has just logged in : hi : Test : it says this chat room is empty.. is it? : WELL. Focus on making the PROCESS of work fun, not the result : if anyone asks you why you want to do something, please do not answer with 'So that I can' : say, 'because I love to work on it' or else you won't commit : or if you do commit otherwise than loving it, you'll be miserable : GL and GOODBYE ^_^
    imperfect123 has just logged in : Looking for some awesome Motivation and inspiring Quotes visit here : hi : hello anybody is ther to talk : hi : i need major motivation : I am here to talk : hello : anybody here : im talking to myself? : i gues so : Hello : hello..? : anyone here..? : i could really use some help... : hi : hi people in need of motivation