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    bursting2p has just logged in
    bursting2p has just logged in
    bursting2p : oooh, I wish there was someone to hold it with. I'm not really sure how much longer I can hold it for!
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee : Message me when you are holding
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2p has just logged in
    bursting2p has just logged out
    bursting2p has just logged in
    bursting2p : oooooh!!!
    bursting2p : I can't hold it much longer!!! It's starting to leak!!
    bursting2p : oooh, can hardly stand still...doing the yank my pants dance
    bursting2p : oh, shit, It's coming out!!
    bursting2p has just logged in
    bursting2pee has just logged in
    bursting2p : I can't hold it anymore!!! It's leaking out!!!!
    Jack772 : Hello there
    lovetoholdin has just logged out
    lovetoholdin : It meant just logged in lol
    lovetoholdin has just logged out
    Likeadrain : Hi
    Likeadrain : Anyone
    mariannec34 : hi
    leaishere : hi
    PeeHolding6teen : Hii
    PeeHolding6teen : Is there anyone here who could private chat me and force me to hold in me pee whenever they want and however long they want me to?
    PeeHolding6teen : If there is just text me on here please
    bursting2p : Is anyone in here? I'm about to explode in my pants!