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healer lost love chat room [public]
we were all blessed to have nature as our rescue but we have not used it sufficiently.The questions about suffering affect all of us in some way. Even if we or our family escape tragic accident or illness, we will have other burdens to bear. Perhaps it?s loneliness, rejection, grinding poverty, a broken relationship, a troubled childhood, fear or guilt. And none of us escapes the ultimate tragedy: death. Why is the world ? your life ? buffeted by suffering? we are living in a world where happiness is the absence of problems not the ability to deal with them thats why when the problems or tragedy strikes it leaves us crawling, broken, and depressed beyond recovery. we have the gifts of nature, the gifted ones to deal with the problems we have . they say if you dont go after what you want you will never have it, if you dont ask the answer is always n, if you dont stepfoward you will always be in the same place. who seeks shall find. am baba musa a gifted healer, spell caster who can help you the natural can contact me on +27764463373 or spells are free because they are the free gifts of nature which was created for a porpose happiness

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